Tuesday, April 28, 2009

i now Teach for India...

Almost on the verge of choosing a full time degree in photography over a much hyped MBA, i got a 'dream come true' call to join the Teach for India Fellowship! (http://www.teachforindia.org/ )

This was after having attended the final round of assesments in January at Banglore. I guess i was on the wait list as i didnt receive a call when the results of selection were due in February. So after confirming my acceptance last week, its been hectic! Just too much of stuff to wind up and lots of catching up to do before i completly shift base to PUNE!
Good bye to Chennai...a little time off my photgrpahic experiments for now. My point n shoot wil go to my brother now. d-slr plans put aside for 2 years. Will be getting another digi-cam soon. So expect phot updates from Pune soon! And maybe a new blog to share my new teaching and learning experiences!
Man, am still on a high.....will catch up soon with updates!

P.S: click> Teach for India : What? Where? Who? Which? Whom? How? When? Why?....heres a link to what one of my fellow TFI fellow has compiled on his blog. Do peep in to get the answers.

just been thinking about all thats happend over past two years, and espceially past six months of working out a completely different career plan after quitting my regular job.Two things come to my mind,

~Steve Jobs commencement speech(2005) to Stanford graduates: ".....
you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever..."

~those immortal lines from The Alchemist, "When you really want something, the entire universe conspires to make it happen..."


  1. Congrats Anoop... you have made it... wish you all the best....

  2. i am very happy for u, Anoop..to have a 'dream come true' meant u really wished for it badly!

    thanks for sharing this amazing piece of positivity...it gave me my answers (so extra thanks)

    as i type this, ur course begins..my good wishes for a wonderful start...Do Well ..May the force be with you..as the universe conspires...

  3. @ArunKa, @Naanal..Thanku :) you people have been supportive!

    @Vinnie:thankyou for the wishes!
    n glad that sharing such experinces does infuse positivity in the readers too..

  4. hey anoop!

    How are ya?..
    Grt news!..congrats!

  5. Hey Anoop,

    Glad things worked out.
